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At Belmont we employ a dedicated sports coach - Coach Lewis - who leads alongside teaching staff with the delivery of our high quality PE provision.  Coach Lewis is an integral part of our team leading our after school sports clubs, our participation in competitive and non-competitive activities and competitions within the borough.

School Games Programme

We continue to participate in the National School Games Programme and hold a bronze award for our contributions.  Our aim this year is to work towards and secure our silver award.  Our PE Lead Mr McGregor will continue to seek a range of opportunities both competitive and non-competitive for our pupils in collaboration with our Sports Coach - Coach Lewis.

Last academic year we took part in many competitive and non-competitive activities in Bexley with other schools and will hope to be able to continue to participate this year (dependent upon the national pandemic).  This includes TAG rugby, football, athletics, cricket, basketball and badminton. 

Alex Chalmers Cup 2023

Our Year 6 girls' football team won the Alex Chalmers Cup this year with an amazing 5-0 win in the final.  This was a massive achievement for Belmont girls and we are so proud of them.  

Girls Football League 2023

This was our first year attending the girls league at Bexleyheath goals.  What a wonderful event this has been and what a pleasure it has been to take part! Our girls finished fourth in an extremely tough league with 10 schools in total. Some excellent passages of play and some superb strikes from our girls.


Boys Digger Dane Cup Final 2023

Our boys football team got through to the Digger Dane Cup Final. Unfortunately we didn't win but they showed spirit and desire all the way to the final beating some very good schools.


Dodgeball 2023

Our Year 5 and Year 6 pupils have participated in our first ever Dodgeball competitions this year.  Dodgeball has been very popular and our children have shown great determination and resilience.

Kevin McCarthy Cup 2021

Our Year 6 boys' football team were victorious in 2021 winning the acclaimed Kevin McCarthy Cup.  This was a huge achievement for the school having not won the cup since the 1980's.   We are so very proud of the team and their sportsmanship and team spirit really did shine through in all matches played.


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After School Sports

At Belmont we value the importance of offering a wide and engaging after school sports programme to our pupils and have published our after-school enrichment programme which includes a variety of sports clubs.  Please contact the school office for more information. 


Sports Holiday Clubs

This academic year we have sucessfully run our Sports holiday clubs which have been very popular.  The children take part in many sports including Football, Basketball, Handball, Dodgeball and many more.

Sports Captain

Our sports captain for 2024/25 will be shared shortly.

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