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Our first ever dodgeball festival went down a storm with our year 5 children! They played some brilliant games hosted at Upton Primary School. Our team showed great determination and resilience during the events. We look forward to our year 6's turn next week!

Our Year 4 children have had a fantastic break to Windmill Hill this week.  See some pictures below of all the activities that they have experienced!

We did it!! Congratulations to our girls football team who won the final yesterday 5-0! You all played so well and have been a fantastic team throughout the season.


We are super proud of you and will display your trophy with pride!


Children's University are holding their first ever Children’s University Family Fun Day taking place at Lesnes Abbey on Saturday 22nd April, from 11am – 3pm. It would be really great to have lots of CU families attending (although it is open to all!) and there will be opportunities for children to take part in mini-taster sessions with some of our Learning Destinations, free arts and craft, bouncy castles and they will also be doing a couple of presentations for parents and be available to answer any questions they may have!

The link to the event on Facebook is:

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